The whisper of silence unfolds a unique power, guiding us towards a profound exploration of the other four senses. It grants an unprecedented significance to words and language. Following immersion in the cinematic masterpiece "Arrival," it is revealed that the visual realm possesses the ability to convey meanings more eloquently than a thousand words, transcending linguistic barriers to enable understanding.
This journey immerses us in the challenge of silence, an undertaking that, I must admit, proved accessible. On a daily basis, we rely on our voice, and experiencing muteness was akin to embodying the "Little Mermaid," expressing ourselves through writings, mimics, signals, and gestures. However, such expression will never reach the depth achieved by letters that, when combined, form a word; and with two or more, shape a sentence. This process guides us from the individual word to the text, the paragraph, the entire book, and ultimately, to a complete understanding of a concept.
The words "I love you," "thank you," "please," "I am happy" are projected through the gaze, illuminated with a particular brilliance. The body is disoriented by the inability to speak, to shout, to sing; only the ability to listen remains. Value that voice, reflect meticulously on your words, do not silence your feelings, as we are unaware of what will be the last expression we utter in the day, the week, or life itself.
Photography has been my faithful companion on this journey, analyzing the emotions it conveyed and then translating them into words, expressing them with the authentic voice that each one possesses.